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Ready for Junior Year

I came back to school last Saturday and moved into my new place with 4 new suite mates and my own (air-conditioned!) room. I'm pretty particular about the way my room looks, as in it's hard for me to feel at home in a place that doesn't look like a home. My mom has a name for this sort of thing- it's called "The Problem of Plenty". Anyhow, it took me a few days to organize everything and fix the place up to par. I had a lot of barren walls to fill, so I hung up some of my old artwork and also took the opportunity to make some new stuff. So, late last Tuesday night, I treated myself to a grande chai tea latte from Starbucks, busted out my art supplies, and indulged in a night of painting. Of course the Starbucks chai doesn't even compare to my mom's (can you tell that I miss my mom?), but it did the job. Here's some of the work that's now hanging up in my room:

I took a photography class last semester, and had to buy photo paper that came packaged in little cardboard boxes with lids. For some reason, I never threw those boxes away. I found them as I was moving my things in, and decided to paint trees insides the lids of the boxes. I like the way the sides of the lids ended up framing the picture!

And finally, here are a couple older chalk pastel drawings that I also hung up in my room:

Since my room is now well decorated, I'm ready for whatever my third year of college has to bring, I think. Hopefully :].



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